Recipe: How to Cook Egusi Soup – All Nigerian Foods
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Egusi soup is without question the most popular Nigerian soup. In this piece, we will learn how to make one of the most popular recipes for Egusi soup (Ofe Egusi) in Nigeria. We will also learn about the ingredients used in making them.
Egusi soup occupies a very important place on the culinary table of most Nigerians. To show you how easy and fun it is to make Egusi soup, click on the link at the end of this piece to watch an accompanying video.
Recipe: How to Cook Egusi Soup – All Nigerian Foods
Egusi soup is without question the most popular Nigerian soup. In this piece, we will learn how to make one of the most popular recipes for Egusi soup (Ofe Egusi) in Nigeria. We will also learn about the ingredients used in making them.
Egusi soup occupies a very important place on the culinary table of most Nigerians. To show you how easy and fun it is to make Egusi soup, click on the link at the end of this piece to watch an accompanying video.
We will start with the ingredients; it is important to note that most of the ingredients are required while a few are optional.
Meat: 2kg (beef, chicken, turkey, goat meat, or assorted meat).
Note: assorted meat is a combination of different parts of a cow.
4 cups of Egusi (melon)
Dry fish (about two medium sizes)
1 cup of ground crayfish
1 cup of Ground Osu (optional)
A good quantity of washed bitterleaf (see the video below)
3 cubes of knorr, maggi or other natural sweetener
15 to 20cl of palm oil
About 2 liters of water
Salt and pepper to taste.
One medium size Stock fish head (okporoko) (optional)
Ogiri or dawadawa or opkei (local ingredients) optional
Pete BetikuSeptember 5, 2022In “Entertainment”